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Dr. Seven Joint Stock Company owns the content and database of this website and all copyright of the intellectual property, design and structure of the website. Reproduction/dissemination of the website or content/information on the website, or any parts of the website, under any forms, are prohibited, unless they were permitted by the Company. The information contained on this website is not medical recommendations, it is only a general guide to staying healthy. The author and the publishers of this website are not responsible for any action, injury or illness caused by the instructions, or the lack of such instructions, whether it is directly or indirectly.


Dr. Seven (Dr7) is a trademark owned by Dr. Seven Joint Stock Company. Users of this website or any third party have no right in using this trademark.


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According to the legal framework, Dr. Seven JSC is not responsible to any users or third party, for any claims, damages, costs or liabilities arising from or related to the use of the website or the information posted on this site.


This responsibility and commitment are adjusted by Vietnamese Law. Ho Chi Minh City People’s Court has the exclusive authority to deal with all matters arising from or related to the commitments as well as the use of this website.